Riddu Riddu Festival

Riddu Riddu Festival

a festival in northern Norway to preserve and celebrate Sami culture


Manndalen, Norway


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Personal highlights

  1. Riddu Riddu: yearly music and culture festival of the Sami people
  2. Sami people: indigenous tribes in northern Europeinfo-icon (Norwayinfo-icon, Swedeninfo-icon, Finaland, Russiainfo-icon)
  3. Festival: a big happening to preserve and celebrate the sami culture in Norway
  4. Venue: just missed the Festival by a few weeks and only found the remains
  5. Journey: just passing by on my way from the Lofoten to the North Cape

Image sources

  1. Abandoned Snowjet
  2. Abandoned Festival House
  3. Pink batterfly decoration
  4. Abandoned Fireplace
  5. Riddu letters decoration

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