Tips to help you stay young while traveling

Thursday, April 8, 2021

There are a couple of things that can lead to skin aging. Though some things are in our control, there are a few others that are uncontrollable. One thing that does not fall in our control scope is the skin’s natural aging process. It does have a vital role in the whole situation as with time, we all get some visible lines on our faces. Over time, it is natural for our face to lose some of its youthfulness. It is because as we age, our skin tends to get drier and thinner. Our genes are primarily responsible for these changes, and this kind of aging is known as “intrinsic aging.”

Even though this kind of aging is not in your control, we can certainly control the other kind of aging that affects our skin. Our lifestyle preferences and the environment, too, can result in premature aging. This kind of aging is known as “extrinsic aging.” More so, when we travel, we are exposed to an environment different from our local environment, and if you do not take the proper measures, your skin may not react well to this environmental change. Hence, you need to prepare your skin for the travel, take adequate actions while traveling, and perform some rescue operations after the journey is over. When you take these sufficient preventive actions, you can slow down the extrinsic aging, and its resultant impact on your skin. 

Here, we will address some of the ways in which we can control our skin’s aging process while you are on the road. These will particularly come in handy when you are traveling abroad. Let us address them one by one. 

Guard your skin against the sun

It is a prevalent fact that persistent sun exposure can damage our skin and result in wrinkles and premature aging. Following a study conducted in 2013, it was found that we can slow down the natural signs of aging with the continual usage of sunscreen. 

‘To shield our skin from the harmful UV rays, it is vital to apply a sunscreen with an SPF between 30 and 50 on a daily basis, advises Jerry, an educator who works with a platform that provides ‘pay someone to take my online class services. In your local country, you can quite predict climate changes, but while abroad, you cannot say for sure what follows next. So, regardless of the weather, and even on the cloudiest of days, wear your sunscreen. UV rays can penetrate through the clouds. Thus, you must apply a generous layer of sunscreen on your face regardless of the weather. You can wear a wide-brimmed hat, light-hued clothes to secure further, which will reflect the sun. Do not forget to cover your eyes with sunglasses that have UV protection. 

Eat Your Vitamins

If you have noticed, all kinds of anti-aging products have Vitamin E or C in them. However, simply applying these Vitamins to the face is not enough. It will help if you put these antioxidants to work from the inside too. For this, besides binging on the local food of that location, it is equally vital for you to eat foods that are rich in vitamins and the mineral selenium. The presence of these vitamins and minerals can guard your skin against sun damage. It will even reverse the skin’s natural aging process, such as skin discoloration and wrinkles. You may also wish to add a supplement into your routine to help give your skin an extra boost - you could check out these Dermal Repair Complex reviews to see whether this particular product which, in addition to essential vitamins, also contains collagen, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants that can help the skin appear firmer and smoother, could be a good option for you.

Do not repeat your facial expressions

When you make certain facial expressions, you contract your underlying muscles. So, if the same muscles are contracted repeatedly, the lines tend to get permanent. This is one of the reasons why most people have prominent smile lines. Travel or no travel, this is one point you need to adhere to always. 

‘To reduce the lines caused by squinting, it is recommended to wear sunglasses anytime you step out in the sun,’ advises Stevie, an online chemistry tutor

Maximize your moisturizer use

Strictly avoid products and fragrances, which are harsh on your skin. It may lead to skin irritation and dark spots, and the irritation can result in dryness and skin damage. If you go to a mall while you are on a vacation, it is strictly recommended to shop for moisturizers with ceramides. They can replenish your skin, and alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) present in them can soften and exfoliate your skin. These can work in conjunction with a Dark Spot Diminisher to keep your face looking bright, healthy, and younger.

Perfect your skincare regime

Your skin is unique to you, and what works for someone else may not work for you, so it might take a while to find the best regime. Experiment over the course of a month to see what works best, and change your actions accordingly if your skin seems to become irritated. Travelling can put your skin through a lot, from hot sun to cold wind, so a regime might be tricky to stick to if you're on the move a lot, but there are some parts that should always stay the same. For example, you should always use a vitamin C serum before bed every night to reduce the effects of UV exposure. Apply it to your skin around an hour before going to bed to give your skin a chance to soak it up, as otherwise, it will just rub off on your pillow. And you don't want this to happen. So, perfect your skincare regime in plenty of time before you travel. You will be glad that you did. 

Keep your baths and showers short

When you are traveling, you may want to indulge in long relaxing showers in the luxury jacuzzi, but you know what? It is not the best decision for your skin. Only a five-minute quick shower is enough to hydrate your skin, states point out Jasmine, an educator who offers accounting assignment help services. If you spend anything longer than ten minutes in the shower, it can rob your skin of your natural oils and moisture. This can lead to dry skin. 

Turn down the temperature

Also, if you shower from hot water, it can strip your skin of the oils. Thus, it is best advised to keep the water temperature decently warm and not scalding hot.

Use a retinoid 

Retinoids are derived from Vitamin A. It is one of the most studied anti-aging ingredients. Often referred to as retinol, retinoids can accelerate collagen production in the body, which plumps your skin. Further, retinoids also boost the skin regeneration process and foster the development of new blood vessels that can better the overall texture and appearance of your skin.

Predominantly, there are five kinds of retinoids, each of them have different degrees of potency. While you can find some over the counter, a few are available in gel and cream forms. There are also some, which can be availed with prescription only.

Before you start using retinoids, you must seek a dermat’s recommendation. They will usually advise you to test a small chunk of it on your skin to test the skin’s tolerance to the product, and only then is it safe for you to use it every other day to prevent peeling. Further, speak to your doctor to know which kind of retinoid is best for your skin. 

So, these are the eight best ways to take good care of your skin even while traveling. Have more tips for fellow travelers to add to the list? Let us know in the comment box below.